Amintiri mai recente, mai exact pozele unui calator britanic din 1996. Romania era intr-o ciudata perioada de tranzitie. Poate contrastul dintre est si vest, comunism si capitalism, alb-negru si color era cel mai pronuntat. Pe sosele era un adevarat amestec: modele din anii 60 care, cu chiu cu vai, inca mai mergeau, epave in stare oribila (Opel Rekord si Ascona, Mercedesuri vechi, cate un Renault 18) proaspat aduse din REMATuri occidentale si vandute cu mii de marci, Dacii si Oltcituri in fel de fel de conditii, si masini lucioase, nou-noute, occidentale. 1995 a fost primul an pentru Daewoo, masina care devine simbol a starei sociale ridicate exact cum erau FIATurile mari in anii 60. Numai cei cu adevarat tare isi permiteau Mercedes, Audi sau Jeep... Iar tinerii cu tendinte sportive iubeau Renaultul Fuego...
More recent memories, more precisely snaps made by a British tourist in 1996. Romania was in a real period of flux. It wa the time when the contrast between east and west, Communist and capitalist, black-and-white and colour was perhaps at its most pronounced. On the streets a curious mixture of vehicles rubbed flanks: 1960s models somehow still going strong, wrecks (Opel Rekord, Ascona, old Mercs, the odd Renault 18) brought fresh from Western scrapyards and sold for thousands of marks, Dacias and Oltcits in varying conditions, and shiny brand-new Western models. 1995 was the frist year when Daewoos became available; quickly, they became a symbol of social status just like the big FIATs were in the 60s. Real bigwigs had new Mercedes, Audis, or 4x4s... While the young dreamed of the Renault Fuego...