Inca un set de poze color, dintr-o colectie americana,
aratand Bucuresti si Brasov. Filmul care ruleaza la cinematograful Patria e din 1965 si pozele sunt clar mai noi decat asta. Se vad Dacii 1300; sunt chiar doua Forduri Capri (unul rosu cu numere de ambasada, altul alb in parcarea Casei Sfatului). Totusi dupa moda e clar ca anii 70 nu patrunsesera inca. In plus, Inter-ul (deschis in 1971) e abia in constructie. Si intr-adevar, pozele suntd in octombrie 1970. Mercedes-ul Ponton (daca vad corect, cu numere 1-B-trei cifre) e pe departe preferata mea, probabil amintidu-mi de doua epave in zona copilariei, pe langa care intotdeauna ma plimbam, fascinat.
Another set of colour photos with Bucharest and Brasov. Dating them is rather interesting: the film shwoing - The Sound of Music - appeared in 1965 and the photos are clearly more recent. You can see two Ford Capris (one red, one white in Brasov) and the odd Dacia 1300. But the fashions are hardly of the 70s, and the Intercontinental Hotel, which opened in 1971, is still shown as under construction. And indeed the images - from an American collection - turn out to be from October 1970. The Mercedes Ponton is by far my favourite of the lot. When young, I used to be fascinated by two derelict examples close to my house, so I still retain a soft spot for them.
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