O poza absolut exceptionala aratand o coloana oficiala (poate a familiei regale) pe strada Lispcani, in Slatina, in 1927. In fata este un splendid Rolls Royce, o masina care era, ca acum, absolut de elita. Rolls Royce avea o prezenta in Romania antebelica, ambasada britanica dispunand de asa ceva inca din 1921. Mai tarziu, spre sfarsitul anilor 30, regele Carol folosea (chiar in mod oficial) un exemplar decapotabil, cu doua portiere. Sunt sigur ca ar mai fi existat cateva!
A rather exceptional photo showing an official parade (perhaps that of the royal family) on the lipscani street in Slatina in 1927. The column is led by a superb Rolls Royce, then, as now, a car of the elite. It was not a wholly unknown make: the British Embassy was using one in 1921, and a two-door convertible was being driven around, even on official parades, by King Carol, in the late 1930s. And I am sure there would have been a few more!
din zbor (525-1)
1 day ago