Foarte greu de spus cum ar fi ajuns asa ceva in Romania. Numerele 2-HD au fost introduse spre sfarsitul anilor 70. Poate ar fi fost a unui turist, vandut in urma unui accident in tara; poate ar fi fost adus de un roman care lucra instrainatate; alta varianta ar fi ca fusese masina unui student strain care studia in Romania. Cert e, e o descoperire de-a dreptul uimitoare, si o frumusete de masina, chiar in starea in care se gaseste. Singurul pacat este ca masina s-a strecurat peste granita, la unguri...
I genuinely have no idea how this came to be in Communist Romania. The 2-HD series was introduced in the later part of the 70s, so the car presumably was first registered then. Perhaps it belonged to a foreign tourist who left it behind (after an accident, maybe); or it could have potentially been brought back by a Romanian working abroad; the third option is that it used to belong to a rich foreign student studying in Romania. Anyway, it is a superb vehicle, even underneath its battle scars. The only shame is that it's no longer in Romania but being restored in Hungary...
nu așa 68
11 hours ago