In Romania anului 2016, chiar ca nu ma asteptam sa vad o antebelica inca in circulatie, adica nu in circuitul masinilor istorice. Acest Opel Olympia din 1939 inca isi face treaba intr-o comuna in judetul Mures (Chiheru de Jos). Nu ar castiga niciun premiu la concursuri de eleganta. A suferit modificari de-a lungul timpului, unele chiar majore (desi nici pe departe atat de majore cat Jeepul din Buzau). Totusi, circula, are verificare tehnica. Imi place sa ma gandesc la proprietar, cu siguranta in varsta, circuland o data pe luna cu ea, poate pana la piata, poate chiar la iarba verde...
In 2016 Romania, I really wasn't expecting to see a pre-war car still in traffic - i.e. not in the historic vehicle circuit. This 1939 Opel Olympia is still making itself useful in Chiheru de Jos, a village in Mures County. It certainly won't be winning any concours prizes. There have been plenty of modifications made to keep it going over the years - some of them quite major, though none as major as those of the Jeep in Buzau. But, still, it's going strong; it has a certificate of roadworthiness. I like to think of the owner, doubtless elderly, taking it out once a month, maybe to the market, maybe even for a picnic...
Matty: la zi
1 day ago