Cititorii fideli, va mai amintiti de Isetta din Constanta? Se pare ca inca una a mai supravietuit. Acest exemplar din 1956, tot imatriculat ca o motocicleta, a fost pus recent de vanzare in judetul Prahova. Dupa numere, nu a circulat timp de cel putin 30 de ani. Spatele a fost modificat pentru adaptarea stopurilor de TV, dar altfel nu pare in stare proasta.
Inca o Isetta a aparut pe strazile capitalei, participand la un eveniment destinat vehiculelor istorice. Masina pare in stare extrordinara, facand furori pe lana sorile ei mai luxoase. Presupun ca e din import.
Exemplarul din Constanta, am auzit, a fost vandut intre timp. Sper sa fi ajuns pe maini bune. Cert este ca automobile interesante inca se mai scot la iveala.
Faithful readers might recall the Isetta found in Constanta. It seems that another has also survived! This example from 1956, also registered as a motorbike, was recently for sale in Prahova county. Judging by the license plates it has not been on the road for at least thrity years. The rear has been modified to accommodate TV tail-lights; apart from that it looks in reasonable condition.
Another Isetta recently took part in a classic car parade in Bucharest. It looks excellent and seems to have caused a stir among its more expensive counterparts. I assume it's an import.
The Constanta car, I heard, has now been sold. I hope it's in good hands. And I'm also glad to see that other interesting vehicles keep popping up.
frumoasele jegoase (16)
1 day ago
In ce localitate sa fie?
and here is another one: