In the official Romanian records of 1946 there is a mention of a legal dispute over the sale of a convertible Aero. Sadly, the details are unclear and it is not known what happened to the protagonists. In 1949, a depot of cosmetic goods in Bucharest belonging to a Iosi Markvitz was nationalised; also confiscated that year was the Marovitz estate in Budeasa, Arges. Robert Korn has vanished without trace.
Iar de masina? Greu de spus, dar recunosc ca la capitolul Aero in Romania nu sunt deloc expert! Cert este ca au existat destule (si modelele 30 si 50), si inca mai exista, inclusive fosta masina regala. Mai jos, am adaugat cam toate imaginile pe care le-am salvate cu Aero-uri decapotabile care au existat in Romania. Ar fi foarte frumos daca vreun cititor ar avea mai multe informatii referitor la Aero-ul cu numarul de motor 50157 care a fost, odata, inmatriculat 9728-B.
But what of the car? Difficult to say although others know far more about Aeros in Romania! Certainly there were plenty, both 30 and 50 models being represented on the street. A few survive including the former royal car in Prahova. I have listed below all the photos I have of convertible Aeros which existed in Romania. It would be amazing if a reader would have more information about the Aero with engine number 50157 which was once registered 9728-Bucharest.
Astazi B-38-AER, perfect restaurant
50 in 1940
Astazi pe sasiu de VW Beetle (!)
Masina regelui Mihai, astazi la Ploiesti
Cabriolet in Brasov in anii 50
Un 50, in regiunea Ploiesti in 1958
30. In Bucuresti in 1941
50, cu roti si motor de ... Ford T
Alt 50 in 2005
Primul din Ploiesti..este cel de astazi de la retromobil de culoare rosie?
ReplyDeleteAero în stânga imaginii?
Nu, dar nu stiu ce este - un roadster, stil european, circa 1938, dar mai departe e ff greu de spus...
DeleteTatra T75 Roadster