Aici se complica treaba. Poza 3 arata un BMW 319/1, model fabricat in 1935 si 1936. Dar documentele de epoca (poza 8) spun ca la categoria sport, au concurat numai masini Ford - desi in 1936 concureaza doua BMW-uri. Tot in 1936 concureaza Hartmann pe Maserati, desi fara succes. Deci sa fie pozele din 1936? Sau de la evenimente diferite?
Probabil ca nu vom sti vreodata adevarul...
Three highly valuable photos from the Julia Tarbay collection, via The author says they were taken at a race in 1936. Indeed, the second photo shows the famous racing driver Ladislau Hartmann and his 8-cylinder Maserati. The same car is shown in photos 4, 5, 6 and 7. The date is 6 October 1935, and the race is the Feleac hillclimb. Photo 7 is from the same occasion.
But here matters get complicated. Photo3 shows a BMW 319/1, produced in 1935 and 1936. But a period document (photo 8) states that the only sports cars competing in 1935 were Fords. However, in 1936, we have two BMWs competing, as well as (unsuccessfully) Hartmann on his Maserati. So are the pictures from 1936? Or are they from different events?
I guess we will never know....
am căutat un contact pe site, dar nu e, așa că vă scriu aici. urmăresc blogul dvs. de ceva timp, și e super tare să vă văd atât de pasionat de mașini vechi. întâmplător, mă ocup alăâturi de alex gâlmeanu de blogul, iar recent ni s-au semnalat imaginile din acest articol: iar cineva care ne urmărește pe facebook ne-a întrebat dacă mașina din fotografia cu calea victoriei e un trabant. am zis că nu, ne-am riscat să zicem că e un moskvich, apoi ne-am adus aminte de dumneavostră. :)
ReplyDeleteThese pictures were most probably taken in 1937 or 1938 at the Feleac hill-climb. But you made a serious mistake. This is NOT, I repeat, NOT the Hartmann Maserati. For some reason, a lot of people makes this mistake. Mase2 is okay, all the other follow-up pictures are wrong.
This Maserati 8CM chassis No 3015 belonged to Count Erno Festetics from 1937. It had a very colorful history, which you can read a bit more on and in Hungarian at
It has nothing to do with Hartmann's various Maseratis at all.
Do you have an entry list for the 1937 and 1938 Feleac hill-climbs? Thanks
Thanks for the info - very useful! I'm afraid I don't have any documents about the 37 or 38 hill climbs to hand, but I'll have a look! Adrian