... bine inteles, numai pentru nomenclatura...
Piata Univeritatii si o gramada de masini. Toate moderne, luxoase... masinilor personale apartinand unor inalti demnitari, masini ale statului sau ale ambasadelor. In prim-plan, Buick 1948 (da, se purtau masini americane si in toiul rusificarii) si GAZ-12 ZIM (interesant: nu negru!). Langa ele, un Chevrolet, 1947 sau 1948, si o Pobeda. Circuland, vedem doua Tatre, amandoua modele T-87, cea din spate un model postbelic, foarte rar. Au fost importate mai multe prin 1948-49. In spate, vedem ZIM, Packard Clipper, Pobede, un Ford american, si o masina antebelica, foarte luxoasa, decapotabila (se vede dupa forma parbrizului), posibil un Maybach sau Bentley dupa forma grilei. Plus statia de taximetre, toate Pobeda. Dupa placarda, poza poate fi datata exact, dupa "alegerile" din 1957. Greu de spus daca e vorba de vreun event special: poze contemporane arata exact aceste feluri de masini parcate in zona.
Grea era viata de "tovaras"!
...of course, only for the nomenklatura...
Lots of cars in University Square. All new, luxurious... private cars of senior officials, State cars, Embassy cars... In the foreground, a 1948 Buick (even under the darkest pro-Russian period American cars were favoured) and a Soviet GAZ-12 ZIM (interestingly, not black!). Next to them, a 1947 or 48 Chevrolet and a Pobeda. On the street, two Tatras, both T-87s, the rear one a rare post-war model. Quite a few were imported in 1948-49. Behind, another ZIM, a Packard Clipper, Pobedas, an American Ford, and a pre-war car, convertible (judging by the shape of the windscreen), possibly a Maybach or Bentley by the shape of the radiator grille. Plus a Pobeda-filled taxi rank. From the sign on the building, the photo can be dated precisely: 1957, after the "elections". It's difficult to say whether a specific event was being photographed: contemporary images show pretty similar cars always parked in this spot.
It was clearly tough being a comrade!
Semne bune 199
7 hours ago
Bun articolul.
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