I'd like to start an occasional series showing pictures of Western cars which drove around Romania under Communism. Contrary to popular belief, not all bigwigs' cars were of Eastern European origin: in the 60s and 70s (and to a much lesser extent the 80s), Western cars were reasonably plentiful in Romania - including some surprising makes. Of course, many were status symbols; others belonged to people with relations abroad; other owners simply liked cars! Many have still survived.
The picture below was taken at Marea Adunare Nationala in Bucharest, some time in the early 70s. As well as the ubiquitous Volgas, we see two Fiat 125s and a shiny new Mercedes.
Cu aceasta poza incep o serie numita "Masinile tari ale comunismului". Nu toti aveau Dacii sau Trabaturi in acele vremuri ... in ani 60 si 70 (si, mult mai putin, in anii 80), masinile occidentale erau destul de raspandite in tara. Multi care aveau asa ceva aveau pile, altii rude in strainatate, altii pasiunea masinilor... Din fericire multe au si supravietuit.
Poza e suprinsa la Marea Adunare Nationala, la inceputul anilor 70. Printre Volgi se vad si doua Fiaturi 125, si un superb Mercedes numit "bot de cal" dupa faruri.
plimbări în București (48) – pe George Barițiu
6 hours ago
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