27 October 2014

O corcitura din anii 40 / A 1940s mongrel

Doi oameni langa o masina defecta, anii 40. Masina nu se gaseste in niciun catalog auto pentru ca e o "corcitura": spatele de Ford Taunus "Buckel", fata de Hansa 1700, si sasiu tot de Hansa. Pentru comparatie, un Hansa 1700 e in poza nr 2. Asemenea "corcituri" erau destul de commune in perioada dupa razboi, cand orice masina era un lux si multe fusesera devastate in tempul razboiului. Ma intreb pana cand a supravietuit acest exemplar. (Colectia Florin Cicos)

Two men next to a broken down car in the 1940s. No such car would be found in a catalogue because it is a "mongrel": the rear end of a Ford Taunus "Buckel" grafted on to the front, and chassis, of a Hansa 1700. (An original Hansa is in photo 2). Similar hybrids were reasonably common in the immediate post-war period, when a car of any sort was a luxury and many had been devastated during the war. I wonder how long this particular example survived. (Photo from the Florin Cicos collection)


  1. as vrea sa detin o masina ca aceasta restaurata as merge zilnic cu ia

  2. Masina este Hanomag Sturm sdin anul 1939 caroserie AmbiBud... nicidecum corcitura :)

  3. Caroseria e Taunus, pentru comparatie http://data.motor-talk.de/data/galleries/0/119/9940/14148704/1939-taunus-buckel-22-52904.jpg
