3 October 2014

Restaurarea unei Shifterossa / Restoration of a Shifterossa

Vesti excelente din Marea Britanie. Un Dacia 1304 (Dacia Shifter) vandut pe piata britanica se restaureaza. Alex Enache, un roman stabilit in Anglia, a pus mana pe acest unic supravietuitor si va fi restaurat ca la carte. Nu e vorba de un papuc normal, ci un ultra-rar "Shifterossa", editie speciala introdusa la sfarsitul anilor 80. Acest exemplar a fost fabricat in 1993 si vandut abia in 1994, cand importatorul daduse faliment de 2 ani. Desi are numai 7,000 mile la bord, majoritatea timpului a stat intr-o curte: saraca masina e ciuruita de rugina desi motorul porneste. Restaurata, va fi singurul papuc britanic in stare de functionare. Urmariti povestea in continuare pe Facebook la Dacia Shifter Restoration. Ii uram mult noroc!

Excellent news from the UK. A UK-model Dacia 1304 (Dacia Shifter) is being restored. Alex Enache, a Romanian based in England, has got hold of this unique survivor and is restoring it from top to bottom. This isn't a standard pick-up but an ultra-rare "Shifterossa", a special edition introduced at the end of the 1980s. This example was built in 1993 but not registered until 1994, by which time the importer had been bankrupt for two years. Although it has only 7,000 miles on the clock, it lived most of its life outdoors and is consequently riddled with rust (though the engine still starts). Restored, it will be the only UK-model Dacia pick-up in running order. Follow the story on Facebook at Dacia Shifter Restoration. And the best of luck!



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