1. Parada in fata casei Scanteii. Mai exista poze din acceasi parada - le-am prezentat aici. Vedem, din nou, ZIS-110 si Gaz-12 ZIM. Cele doua masini din fata ZIS-ului sunt Chevroleturi model 1954. Si ,pentru prima oara, observam masina fotografului: un Land Rover, una dintr-o serie (se pare, destul de mare) importata in anii 50. Oare ce sunt motocicletele?
2. Kim Il Sung in vizita la uzinele Steagul Rosu - poate cea mai veche poza existenta din fabrica.
3. 2 ZIS-uri si ce pare a fi o americanca in spate.
1. Parade in front of the Press House. There are other photos around of this parade - I presented them here. We can see once again ZIS and Gaz-12 ZIM models in use. The two cars in front of the ZIS-110 are 1954 Chevrolets. And, for the first time, we can see the photographer's car: one of a batch (quite a large one, it seems) imported in the mid-50s. I wonder what the motorcycles are?
2. Kim Il Sung visiting the Steagul Rosu factory - perhaps the earliest photo of the factory on record.
3. 2 ZIS-110 convertibles, and what seems like an American car in the crowd behind.
Uzinele Steagul Rosu faceau parte din importanta industrie a Romaniei.