Photo, from Picasaweb, showing a father and child from Iasi county proud next to their Dacia 1310. For me the photo is rather special becasue, back in the day, my own 1973 Volga had the same plates (1-xx-610), but issued by Vrancea county. The owner, a VIP at the time, would drive to Bucharest from Focsani and back twice a week at least. No petrol rationing for him! I wonder what the man in this photo did to get himself the much-wanted three-digit number plates... Of course, he need not necessarily have been a senior Party activist. Many mehchanics, for example, had very good (ie short) number plates. While the true movers and shakers would often prefer to travel more discreetly... Interesting times.
Ca fapt divers am observat la daciile a trei securisti in anii 80 botul si spatele masinii vopsite cu negru, ca la masina din poza, fara sa fi fost nevoie de vreo reparatie.Aveau grade de colonei sau cam asa ceva, insa nu tin minte numerele de inmatriculare.
ReplyDeleteA, si numerele cu trei cifre NU se dadeau decat celor cu pile zdravene si oarece functie in partid.