E vorba despre un Renault 18 in paragina, fosta masina de serviciu, apoi donata la o scoala de la tara in 1997. Asa ceva se facea. O scoala din Targu Neamt s-a ales cu un ARO bleo, comanda speciala, masina de vantoare pentru alesi. In plus, Renault 18 chiar era masina folosita de elita anilor 80. inclusiv primi secretari si alte cadre elevate. In final, numarul spune tot. 1-B-180 era clar una din masinile oficiale. Acuma, daca fundul Lenutei intr-adevar se cocota pe banchata din spate e greu de spus, in lipsa evidentei fotografice. Cert e, totusi, ca e o masina cu o istorie deosebit de interesanta, care, in ciuda starei si mai precare decat Citroenul CX, merita din deplin salvata.

Some time ago I talked about a tendency to ascribe any luxurious car which used to exist in Romania to a famous former owner, the example given being the Citroen CX with which - apparently - Elena Ceausescu used to get around. As in the Citroen's case, the truth is usually far away. Yet here , I read about something different, and quite possibly authentic.
The story rings true. It was apparently Elena's work car and given to a school in 1997. Indeed, mny official vehicles ended their days in this way: I remember, and have photos of, a school in Targu Neamt which ended up with an official light blue hunting ARO. The Renault 18 was the standard "elite car" in 80s Romania and was favoured by party first secretaries and the like. And the numberplate - 1-B-180 - could only have belonged to someone very important. Whether or not it was the self-same vehicle in which comrade Elena would park her Communist bum will probably be lost in the mists of time, unless photos surface of the car in its heyday. But, as one of the official cars of Communism, it has an excellent and fascinating history and - despite its terrible condition - is well worth saving.
Mai exista masina asta ??