Intr-a doua vedere modernitatea cladirii e reflectata in superbul Fiat X1/9 din prim plan. 99% ere masina unui strain in vizita la Bucuresti ; totusi, chiar in vremea comunismului, erau asa masini in tara, una apartinand pilotului de raliu Eugen Ionescu-Cristea.

Two postcards from 1975 and 1977 respectively. The first shows a Pobeda, an unusual car to be parked in such a smart hotel. By 1975 the antiquated Pobeda was fast disappearing off the roads. It drank too much and far more modern cars were relatively easily available. (Although one example is still in use today as a regular (though rare) driver, in the north of the country.)
In the second picture the modern lines of the builing are echoed by the angulat Fiat X1/9 in the foreground. Almost defintiely, it belonged to a foreigner passing through Bucharest; however, even in Communism, such cars did exist in Romania, one belonging to celebrated rally driver Eugen Ionescu-Cristea.
In sfarsit pot comenta si eu. Felicitari pt blog. I urmaresc de mult timp cu placere. Sunt colectionar de machte auto. Principala tema a colectiei sunt masinile comuniste. :)
ReplyDeleteIn jur de 2001-2002 era un X1/9 galben de vanzare prin Berceni. Am rut sa-l cumpar dar finantele unui pusti erau foarte reduse