Acum cateva saptamani am vorbit prima oara despre Skoda 1200 in Romania. Povestea Skoda in Romania continua ... In anii 50 si 60, varianta 1200 furgoneta a fost folosita de Posta Romana si, foarte posibil, si ale intreprinderi de stat. Skoda 1200 Furgon, in acea vreme, era cam singura furgoneta produsa de tarile comuniste, cu exceptia unei variante de Moskvich 401 si 407, produse in serii foarte mici, si Skoda 1102 Furgon, model mult mai vechi, cu origine entebelice, care si el era folosit in Romania anilor 50. Pentru carat marfa usoara, deci, Skoda 1200 era varianta ideala. Aceste masini au fost folosite pana cel putin in 1964, in Romania. Prima imagine, destul de bine cunoscuta, e de pe un timbru emis in anii 50. A doua e de pe o carte postala datata 1961, sigur nu mai veche de 1957 cand au aparut primele 40 de Wartburguri in Romania. A patra poza e din 1964 si, foarte interesant, arata si un Land Rover (despre prezenta carei am sa povestesc mai tarziu); ultimile doua imagini sunt din Polonia, din anii 50.
Some weeks ago I spoke for the first time about Skoda 1200s in Romania. Skoda's story in Romania contiunes ... In the 1950s and 60s, the van variant of the 1200 was used by the Romanian pOst Office, and quite possibly other state enteprises too. In those days, it was the only small commercial vehcle being produced in the Eastern Bloc, except for pehrpas the van versions of the Moskvich 401 and 407, maide in very small qunatities, and the older Skoda 1102 van dating to before the war; as such, the 1102 Furgon was the ideal choice for carrying light goods. These cars in Romania were isued until at least 1964. The first picture, fairly well-known, is from a stamp produced by the Romanian Post office in the 1950s; the second dates from between 1957 (when the first Wartbrugs arrived in Romania, 40 of them) and 1961 (when the postcard circulated); the third picture dates from 1964 and, fascinatingly, shows a Land Rover (the explanation for its presence in Romania is another story); the final two pictures show Skoda 1200s in simlar use in 1950s Poland.
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2 days ago
ReplyDeleteTimbrul face parte din seria "Uzuale" emisa in 1967