Pana prin 2003-4, in mijlocul Pietei Victoriei statea un frumos IFA F9 in doua culori, pe post de reclama. Ulterior a disparut. Ca toate marcile din anii 50, aceste masini sunt astazi foarte rare in Romania, probabil nu mai mult de 6 sau 7, din care, in afara de 1-B-3961, sunt numai doua in stare decenta, una in CS si una maronie in B, ambele pe numere vechi. Se mai stie ceva de saraca masina? (prima poza: Flickr)
Until about 2003 or 2004, in Victory Square in the centre of Bucharest, there stood an IFA F9 as a mobile ad. Later, the car was to disappear. Like all 50s cars, these are now very rare in Romania: probably no more than 6 or 7 exist, and only two (except for this one) in anywhere near decent condition, one in Bucharest and one in Caras-Severin, noth of which have not been driven for over ten years. I wonder what happened to this survivor... (first photo is from Flickr)
din zbor (528)
2 days ago
When the american president George W. Bush visited Romania, in november 2002, this car was removed (for security reasons, certainly: the official motorcade passed nearby etc.)from Piaţa Victoriei and deposed not far from the Muzeul Ţăranului Român back entrance,on Bulevardul Ion Mihalache...I don't know (I don't remember )if afterwards it was parked again in Piaţa Victoriei...