Inca o poza rara: Masini diplomatice in parcarea unui stadion in Bucuresti, inceputul anilor 60. Toate masinile poarta numere de inmatriculare diplomatice, ovale. E un adevarat amestec acolo: Ford Anglia, Ford Taunus, Peugeot 404 si VW Broscuta, limuzine ZIM de la tarile "aliniate", Mercedes "coada de randunica", plus o gramada de masini americane din perioada 1955-60. Probabil e vorba de un meci international de fotbal la care a fost invitat corpul diplomatic, un gest in linie cu dezghetul anilor 60. Foto Armand Rosenthal.
Another rare photo: Diplomatic cars at a stadium in Bucharest in the early 1960s. A really diverse mix of vehicles: Ford Anglia, Ford Taunus, Peugeot 404, VW Beetle, the ZIM limousines of "aligned" nations, Fintail Mercs, and a lot of American sedans from the late 1950s. The occasion is probably an international football match to which the diplomatic corps were invited, a symbol of the thawing of international relations in the 1960s. Photo by Armand Rosenthal.
nevoile clienților!
13 hours ago
Doar diplomatii isi permiteau in acea perioada astfel de masini.
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