Nu multi stiu ca in anii 20, se fabrcau autobuze, camioane si chiar autoturisme in Romania. Inceputl a fost in 1909 in Arad, atunci in teritoriul austro-ungar; camioane si autoturisme Marta au fost fabricate sub licenta firmei Westnghouse. In Aradul anului 1936 inca mai circula un taximetru MARTA. Dupa razboi, societatea ASTRA a preluat activitatile si a inceput fabricatia de autobuze si camioane. In plus, erau disaponibile, la comanda, autoturisme luxoase de 8000cmc, cu motoare in patru cilindri care dezvoltau 60cp. Nu exista infromatii foarte concrete insa cel putin o poza si o reclama a supravietuit.
Not many people kno that in the 1920s Romania was making lorries, buses and even cars. The story began in Arad, in 1909, when MARTA cars and lorries were made under licence from Westinghouse. In 1936, in Arad, one such taxi was still going. After the war the ASTRA firm took control and began making buses and trucks. In addition, it was possible to commission luxurious 8-litre cars, their four cylinder engine developing 60 hp. There is little to no information available, but at least one photo and one ad has survived.

Westinghouse, sunt mai multe poze , unele chiar pe net